This is an honest review!
Ethan has been one of my favorites since I first got to know him in The Secret of Ella and Micha.So I was thrilled when he got his own story!This is a very sweet short story and I´m glad Ethan and Lila got their HEA!They truly deserved it!:)It was nice that it was not much drama.They have had enough of that in their lives!Five stars from me without any doubt!
måndag 30 december 2013
söndag 22 december 2013
My story to my niece is finished!:)
The story (it is written in Swedish):
The story (it is written in Swedish):
Det var en gång en
enhörning som hette Rose och hon bodde i ett magiskt land som låg bortom
stjärnorna. Hon hade en rosa päls och lila man och svans. Själva hornet var
silverglänsande. Hon var mycket lycklig tillsammans med sin lilla familj. Men
en dag skulle allt förändras. Något som gjorde att Rose och hennes familj
skulle tvingas fly till en helt annan värld. Det började med att någonting
mörkt sänkte sig över dalen där de bodde. Fåglarna slutade att sjunga och
blommorna vissnade. Dessutom upptäckte Rose att magin också började försvinna. ”Vad
är det som händer?” undrade Rose. Ett häftigt regn kom in över dalen och det
fortsatte att regna i nästan en hel vecka. Åskan dundrade mot bergen och
blixtarna lyste upp himlen. Ingen av enhörningarna ville vara utomhus fast det
var deras naturliga liv. De började söka efter en grotta att ta skydd i men de
få som fanns var upptagna av andra djur eller väsen. Vad skulle de ta sig till?
Det fanns en hotfylld känsla i landet. Var det kanske den onda draken som hade
vaknat till liv igen? Men det kunde väl inte vara möjligt, hade inte en tapper
och orädd riddare för länge sedan dräpt draken!? Men ändå, det var samma otäcka
känsla märkte Rose. Enhörningarna höll rådslag och beslutade till sist att de
måste fly till en annan värld. ”Vi måste genast ge oss i väg. Innan magin
försvinner helt”, menade Silverpilen som var Roses hingst. Det höll Rose och de
två fölen med om. I piskande regn kämpade de sig till gränsen, därefter fällde
de ut sina vingar och flög igenom den svarta himlen. Stjärnorna glimmade kallt
men ändå rofyllt. ”Vi ska klara av det här!” ropade Silverpilen till de andra
medan de sökte efter en ny plats att bosätta sig på. ”Tror du att vi någonsin
kan fara tillbaka, mamma?” snyftade dottern Apple. ”Jag vet inte, min kära.
Förhoppningsvis kommer en ny riddare och dräper draken.” Sonen Vitnos menade
att det skulle kunna ta miljontals år. Då kände de alla en djup sorg i sina
hjärtan. Men tillslut upptäckte de en stor ö som låg i ett turkost hav. Det såg
faktiskt riktigt hemtrevligt ut med alla palmer som vajade i den svaga brisen.
”Här kan vi stanna!” tyckte Rose och de andra nickade. När de väl hade landat i
den mjuka sanden hörde de fågelsång. ”Åh, vad jag har saknat detta”, suckade
Apple och blundade. ”Och här lever fortfarande blommorna”, log Silverpilen. ”Men
vi får inte glömma att det inte lever någon magi här”, påminde Rose sin familj.
”Annars tror jag att vi kan trivas riktigt bra här. Det viktiga är att vi inte
ger upp hoppet om att en dag återvända till vår värld.” De bestämde sig för att
dricka saften från kokosnötter och därefter vila upp sig efter den långa
färden. Nästa morgon väcktes de av fågelsång. Solen värmde dem och de suckade
njutningsfullt. Apple och Vitnos ville utforska ön och de galopperade glatt över
sanden. Plötsligt hördes fågelsång och en liten blå fågel kom flygande och slog
följe med enhörningarna. Det verkade som om den ville visa något. ”Ska vi följa
efter fågeln?” frågade Apple sin bror. Han funderade ett tag innan han långsamt
nickade. Fågeln ledde dem till en grotta och det som mötte de två
enhörningsfölen fick dem att darra till av skräck. ”En…drake!” utbrast Apple.
De vände genast om men det stora gröna odjuret ropade: ”Nej! Stanna! Jag är
inte farlig, jag lovar!” Fågeln kvittrade som om den höll med draken. De två
enhörningarna vände sig om eftersom hans röst hade låtigt snäll och ofarlig. ”Jag
är så glad att ni har hittat hit. Ni skulle bara veta hur ensam jag har känt
mig här. Ja, jag har ju lilla fågel blå här men det är ju inte riktigt samma
sak. Åh, om det ändå fanns fler drakar.” När Apple och Vitnos hörde detta fick
de en idé. Det var säkerligen riskfyllt men varför inte försöka? ”Där vi kommer
ifrån bor en drake men han är hemskt elak! Tror du att det finns en chans att
du skulle kunna få honom att ändra på sig? Här på ön är det verkligen vackert
men vi saknar vårt hem så mycket. Draken gjorde så att magin i vårt land
försvann och så att blommorna vissnade.” Draken tittade på dem med sorgsen
blick. ”Åh, stackare! Så klart att jag vill hjälpa er. Kan jag bli vän med den
andra draken skulle jag bli väldigt lycklig. Är det bara ni två här eller finns
det fler som är som ni?” Vitnos nickade och berättade att deras mamma och pappa
var på andra sidan ön. ”Vi kan föra dig till dem så berättar vi nyheten.” Sagt
och gjort. Rose och Silverpilen höll med om att man alltid kunde göra ett
försök. Den väldiga draken hade inget namn så de döpte honom till Spike. När
det blev kväll påbörjade de resan hem. Väl framme i enhörningarnas land
upptäckte de att stormen hade lagt sig. ”Tack och lov!” suckade Rose lättat. ”Nu
letar vi upp draken;” tyckte Spike och lovade att han skulle skydda dem. ”Tänk
ändå att det finns snälla drakar,” viskade Apple till Vitnos som log. ”Vi lär
oss något nytt varje dag,” svarade han och buffade henne lätt på nosen. De
hittade den andra draken i en grotta som liknade den på ön. ”Hallå!” ropade
Spike och han fick genast ett svar tillbaka. Det märkliga var att hans röst lät
lika snäll som Spikes. ”Det här var intressant,” tyckte Silverpilen och såg
fundersam ut. ”Har vi kanske missförstått honom?” undrade Rose. ”Tänk att en
annan drake finns,” mullrade det inne från grottan. Spike log lite och svarade,
”När mina vänner enhörningarna berättade att det bodde en drake i deras land
ville jag genast följa med och möta denna.” Nu mörknade åter himlen och
blixtrar lyste upp himlen. ”Vad är det som händer? Nu är det precis som när vi
lämnade vårt älskade hem,” sade Rose med lätt darrande röst. ”Det betyder att
han är arg,” förklarade Spike med låg röst. ”Arg? Men vi har väl inte gjort
något,” konstaterade Apple och rynkade pannan. ”De där enhörningarna låter mig
aldrig vara med i deras gemenskap,” mullrade den andra drakens djupa röst. ”De
trodde att en riddare hade dräpt mig för länge sedan men så är det verkligen
inte. Jag bestämde mig för att dra mig tillbaka eftersom jag tydligen inte var
välkommen in i gemenskapen. Men till slut kunde jag inte stå ut längre. Ilskan
vaknade på nytt i mig.” Enhörningarna förstod att det var därför magin tillfälligt
hade försvunnit. ”Förlåt oss drake!” sade alla enhörningarna på samma gång. ”Det
gick ett rykte att det för länge sedan levde en elak drake i vårt land som blev
dräpt och vi trodde på det. Vi hade ingen aning om att du fortfarande levde och
inte alls var elak. Det gör oss ledsna att du känt dig utanför all denna tid.
Det är synd att du inte försökte prata med oss. Det gjorde Spike och då insåg
vi att den som hittade på ryktet om drakar verkligen talade osanning.” Draken
hängde lite med sitt rödglänsande huvud. ”Då ber jag också om ursäkt! Tänk
vilka missförstånd och rädslor som legat i vägen för vänskap.” De bestämde sig
för att döpa sin nya vän till Rubin och alla kände sig lyckliga. Enhörningarna
för att de hade fått tillbaka sitt hem och drakarna för att de hade funnit
vänner och aldrig mer behövde känna sig ensamma mer.
lördag 21 december 2013
I´m writing a story to my niece.:)It´s about a unicorn because she loves these!:)I will give it to her on December 25th.I hope she will like it!I´m also writing a story for my brother.I will call it "Hell´s Horsemen" and it´s about the future. The main character is a young woman. She is living in chaos in England.I write it in Swedish because that is my first language.I would probably have a lot of grammar errors if I write in English.*g*And people would probably hate me for it.:P If they can´t stand grammar error.XD But you never know...
It´s Christmas next week.:)And in Sweden we celebrate on Christmas Eve!But this year me and my family will celebrate on December 25th as well.It´s because my big sister and her family can´t come on Christmas Eve.They are coing to celebrate with my sister´s mother-in-law.
It´s Christmas next week.:)And in Sweden we celebrate on Christmas Eve!But this year me and my family will celebrate on December 25th as well.It´s because my big sister and her family can´t come on Christmas Eve.They are coing to celebrate with my sister´s mother-in-law.
söndag 15 december 2013
torsdag 5 december 2013
It is a storm in Southern Sweden now.:(Well,I´m just glad I´m inside.I´m at my parents´house and I will spend the night there.I hope the storm will go away tomorrow!
Old pictures of me:
Old pictures of me:
tisdag 3 december 2013
I feel sad.
I feel sad right now...Well,you can´t always be happy.I hope I will be alright tomorrow.I will do my best and I try to be an optimist!:)I´m grateful that Nellie is okay!She has some pain after the operation but it will go away.
I can´t stand my brother right now!:(But hopefully it will be better!Sometimes you fight...My brother and sister has also fighted.I feel like crying right now...and it feels like I just want to be alone for some time.My family is still important but right now I feel out of balance.:(But I´m fighting!Never give up!I have a great connection with my niece and nephew!:D I really love them and they mean everything to me!
Life is not always easy.But I love it anyway...
I can´t stand my brother right now!:(But hopefully it will be better!Sometimes you fight...My brother and sister has also fighted.I feel like crying right now...and it feels like I just want to be alone for some time.My family is still important but right now I feel out of balance.:(But I´m fighting!Never give up!I have a great connection with my niece and nephew!:D I really love them and they mean everything to me!
Life is not always easy.But I love it anyway...
måndag 2 december 2013
The best dog in the World!
Nellie came into our life in April 2002.:)My big sister bought her from Anita and Peter when she was a puppy and I remember how cute and playful she was.:D She is still playful but she is more tired now because she has the tumour.But the vet is taking care of it today!
Pictures of Nellie:
Pictures of Nellie:
torsdag 28 november 2013
Hello Thursday!
It´s already Thursday!:)I´m going to watch the tv-series "Vikings" tonight.:)I´m listening to Journey.The song Faithfully.:)I think I´m going to watch the movie P.S. I Love You this weekend.I really Love that Movie!One of the best ever!!
onsdag 27 november 2013
Tempting His Mate by Savannah Stuart.
I got a copy of this novella for an honest review.
I have been a fan of Savannah Stuart (AKA Katie Reus) since 2012.Her stories are sexy,heartfelt and there are always HEA!That is important to me.Tempting His Mate is the 3rd in her Crescent Moon series and it can be read as a stand alone.The lone wolf,Asher,meets Ella and they both feel an attraction.They spend the night together but Ella leaves him,thinking she will never meet him again.But she has so wrong!They meet again at Kincaid wolf pack´s land.Asher doesn´t want to let her go this time!This sexy wolf may look like a bad boy with his tattoos,leatherjacket and shitkickers...but he is sweet,protecting and really want to make Ella his!When someone is breaking into her office,Ashers protective side really shows!I really enjoyed this novella and give it 5 stars!If you love paranormal romance read it!:) And the cover is yummy!
I have been a fan of Savannah Stuart (AKA Katie Reus) since 2012.Her stories are sexy,heartfelt and there are always HEA!That is important to me.Tempting His Mate is the 3rd in her Crescent Moon series and it can be read as a stand alone.The lone wolf,Asher,meets Ella and they both feel an attraction.They spend the night together but Ella leaves him,thinking she will never meet him again.But she has so wrong!They meet again at Kincaid wolf pack´s land.Asher doesn´t want to let her go this time!This sexy wolf may look like a bad boy with his tattoos,leatherjacket and shitkickers...but he is sweet,protecting and really want to make Ella his!When someone is breaking into her office,Ashers protective side really shows!I really enjoyed this novella and give it 5 stars!If you love paranormal romance read it!:) And the cover is yummy!
onsdag 20 november 2013
This cover is awesome!
And it will be released in June 2014!I´m so looking forward to it!It´s about Em,Picnic´s daughter.I thought she would end up with Painter...but I really like that she falls in love with the "enemy."*grin*It will be Trouble!Can the weeks go faster,please!The Reapers Motorcycle Club
series is one of the best out there.
torsdag 14 november 2013
My review of a Vampire´s Christmas Carol.
is a great story and I really like the twist of Charles Dicken's
Christmas story!I feel a connection to the characters.:)I got a copy
from Netgalley and this is my honest review!
söndag 10 november 2013
It´s my Birthday this Wednesday.
I will be 28 this year.0_0 Really!?:P Yeah!I will have a party November 16th for my family + my friend Matilda.I´m listening to First Aid Kit.A great group!:)) I´m so looking forward Hard as it gets by Laura Kaye.It will come November 26th.Woho!I have pre-ordered it.I also pre-ordered the second book.It will come next year,in February I think.The covers are yummy!*Drool-Worthy!Laura Kaye is an amazing author!I really recommend you read her books..:))) I´m going to watch "Allt för Sverige" (Everything for Sweden) this evening.I like that show!
lördag 9 november 2013
Hard Ink series by Laura Kaye.
Watch this video!It is freaking hot!I´m looking forward to read Hard as it gets!Not many weeks until it comes.I pre-ordered it.I´m a fan of Laura´s writing so I´m sure I will like this one too.*grin*
Watch this video!It is freaking hot!I´m looking forward to read Hard as it gets!Not many weeks until it comes.I pre-ordered it.I´m a fan of Laura´s writing so I´m sure I will like this one too.*grin*
måndag 28 oktober 2013
fredag 25 oktober 2013
I´m reading!
I´m reading Worth the Fight by Vi Keeland.:)The cover is yummy!I love tattooed bad boys!*Big grin*I also reading Before now by Cheryl Mcintyre.That cover is also very yummy!And yes...I read Immortal,insatiable,indomitable by Olivia Gates.I find it very interesting that Olivia is using Norse Mythology because I´m from Sweden.:)And in Olivia´s story Loki is not the bad guy.And the cover...*My eyes just fainted!*Hihi!
The cover of Worth the Fight, Before now and Immortal,insatiable,indomitable:
The cover of Worth the Fight, Before now and Immortal,insatiable,indomitable:
tisdag 22 oktober 2013
five finger death punch.
This band is very good!:)I´m listening to them right now on Spotify.:)I´m at my parents´house.It´s afternoon here in Sweden.I´m tired but I feel happy!:D It´s Swedish Hollywood wives 09.00 pm.I think I´m going to see it.Crazy freakshow!*Grin*I miss my friend Matilda.I have not seen her since September this year.It´s my birthday soon!Crazy!28 year.o_O Really?I thought I was 18.:P Nah...But you can wish,right?;P
måndag 21 oktober 2013
Look at this video!!!
I´m so looking forward Laura Kaye´s new book series!Tattooed bad-ass men...Yes please!
Raining in Southern Sweden.
It´s raining and it´s cosy.I remembered my umbrella when I walked to my parents.:)Yaay!
I´m a bit tired and hungry.*Hm*What can I eat?I think mom is coming home soon from her work.It´s Afternoon here in Sweden.The dog is keeping me company.*Sweetie!*I feel sad and happy at the same time.Strange...It´s Monday and tv:3 is showing "Mistresses" tonight at 10.00 pm.I don´t know if I´m going to watch it.Maybe.:)It´s okay.
Colorful hair:
I´m a bit tired and hungry.*Hm*What can I eat?I think mom is coming home soon from her work.It´s Afternoon here in Sweden.The dog is keeping me company.*Sweetie!*I feel sad and happy at the same time.Strange...It´s Monday and tv:3 is showing "Mistresses" tonight at 10.00 pm.I don´t know if I´m going to watch it.Maybe.:)It´s okay.
Colorful hair:
torsdag 17 oktober 2013
My review of Shattered Ink by Laura Wright.
I got a copy from the author for an honest review.
Wow...I already miss Rush,Addison,Lisa and Vincent.They feel like real persons of flesh and blood and I wish I could hang out with them.:)They all have great Chemistry!Laura Wright has a great talent and I really don't know how to express my feelings about this story.I already looking forward Rebel Ink,Vincent and Lisa's story.:)I'm sure the sparks will fly!;)I have a soft spot for the good girl who falls for the tattooed bad boy!I recommend you read First Ink before you start this one.Laura Wright really kick ass writing New Adult.I hope she will write many more books in this awesome series!Five stars from me without any doubt!
The Awesome Cover:
Wow...I already miss Rush,Addison,Lisa and Vincent.They feel like real persons of flesh and blood and I wish I could hang out with them.:)They all have great Chemistry!Laura Wright has a great talent and I really don't know how to express my feelings about this story.I already looking forward Rebel Ink,Vincent and Lisa's story.:)I'm sure the sparks will fly!;)I have a soft spot for the good girl who falls for the tattooed bad boy!I recommend you read First Ink before you start this one.Laura Wright really kick ass writing New Adult.I hope she will write many more books in this awesome series!Five stars from me without any doubt!
The Awesome Cover:
måndag 14 oktober 2013
I´m so looking forward Shattered Ink!
Laura Wright will be sending the Shattered Ink ARC:s on Tuesday evening I hope!I so need more Rush!!!That guy...*Sigh!*Drool-worthy!*Grin!*Tattooed bad boys..yes please!
I can totally see him as Rush:
I can totally see him as Rush:
söndag 13 oktober 2013
Sunday again.
Sunday again.I had so much fun yesterday!:)*g*I´m at my parents´home today.The dog is keeping me company.Sweetheart!:)She will be 12 years old next year.
I hope Laura Wright sends out the Shattered Ink ARC:s this Tuesday.:))I´m so looking forward this story!:)
I hope Laura Wright sends out the Shattered Ink ARC:s this Tuesday.:))I´m so looking forward this story!:)
fredag 4 oktober 2013
I´m at my parents´ house.
I´m at my parents´house.I´m listening to music.:)A while ago I was watching TV and eating chips.Nom nom!I´m a bit tired so I´m going to bed soon.
Laura Wright and Alexandra Ivy will be writing a FREE novella in the Bayou Heat series!It will be out this Winter.:)Happy about that!I really enjoy that series but I wish the stories were longer.:)*grin*
Old photos:
Laura Wright and Alexandra Ivy will be writing a FREE novella in the Bayou Heat series!It will be out this Winter.:)Happy about that!I really enjoy that series but I wish the stories were longer.:)*grin*
Old photos:
måndag 30 september 2013
I´m listening to Deep Purple.:)Tonight I´m going to watch "Mistresses" on Swedish tv:3.I like that series.It is "Svenska Hollywood fruar" (Swedish Hollywood wives) tomorrow at 09.00 pm.I will probably watch it.*g*The Crazy Women!Yeah,even Swedes can be that!:P Gunilla Persson doesn´t want to be a part of that series anymore.Well,I don´t mind if she´s not there.I don´t know what to think of that woman.Is she insane or what?
söndag 29 september 2013
Sunday has come around again.
It is Sunday again and I´m at my parents´home.:)Just chilling.
It is September 30th tomorrow and Shattered Ink by Laura Wright is out then I hope!:)
Can´t get enough of Rush and Vincent!:D
There are alot of thoughts in my head right now.Thoughts about my future.That can be scary sometimes.But I´m happy to be here.:)Keep on fighting!
Old photos:
It is September 30th tomorrow and Shattered Ink by Laura Wright is out then I hope!:)
Can´t get enough of Rush and Vincent!:D
There are alot of thoughts in my head right now.Thoughts about my future.That can be scary sometimes.But I´m happy to be here.:)Keep on fighting!
Old photos:
tisdag 24 september 2013
Yesterday I finished Fire Inside.
Yesterday I finished Fire Inside by Kristen Ashley and I loved it very much!I wonder when the next book will release.:)And who will be the hero?Kristen has a way of writing Alpha men that I really enjoy!:)*Sigh!*I started reading Protecting His Witness last night and it is good!Katie Reus is an author I really enjoy and her heroes are always sexy,Alpha,hot,caring and protecting.:)
I hope I´m one of the lucky 100 who gets to read and review Shattered Ink by Laura Wright!*Keep my fingers crossed!*I really love Laura´s new adult series about tattoo-artists!The first one is very yummy!I´m sure the second one will be as well!And I´m so happy Vincent gets his own story too!I don´t know when it will be released.But soon I hope!And by the way...the cover of Laura´s book Branded is HOT!It comes out next summer.June 2014.Too long!:P I need some cowboy lovin!:)Haha!
Tonight it is "Svenska Hollywood fruar" (Swedish Hollywood Wives).Crazy women!I read today that one of the ladies want to leave the show.It is Gunilla Persson and I´m not sure what to think about her.But let´s not forget how media is.They not always tells the truth.Maybe Gunilla is a nice person but in the program they show a complete different side.She is not kind to the staff.She screams at them and yeah..she looks kind of scary.And she talks shit about people when they don´t do what she wants them to do.So I really don´t know who the "real" Gunilla is.
I hope I´m one of the lucky 100 who gets to read and review Shattered Ink by Laura Wright!*Keep my fingers crossed!*I really love Laura´s new adult series about tattoo-artists!The first one is very yummy!I´m sure the second one will be as well!And I´m so happy Vincent gets his own story too!I don´t know when it will be released.But soon I hope!And by the way...the cover of Laura´s book Branded is HOT!It comes out next summer.June 2014.Too long!:P I need some cowboy lovin!:)Haha!
Tonight it is "Svenska Hollywood fruar" (Swedish Hollywood Wives).Crazy women!I read today that one of the ladies want to leave the show.It is Gunilla Persson and I´m not sure what to think about her.But let´s not forget how media is.They not always tells the truth.Maybe Gunilla is a nice person but in the program they show a complete different side.She is not kind to the staff.She screams at them and yeah..she looks kind of scary.And she talks shit about people when they don´t do what she wants them to do.So I really don´t know who the "real" Gunilla is.
fredag 20 september 2013
I will get my signed copy of Targeted soon!
Katie Reus has sent my signed copy of Targeted.:))Yay!So hopefully I can start read it later this day!
I´m such a fangirl when it comes to Katie´s writing!And her covers are HOT!:D
I´m going to Blekinge today I think.Spending time with my family!
I was in the city Lund yesterday with my friend Matilda.:)And we took pictures!
Me in Lund:
I´m such a fangirl when it comes to Katie´s writing!And her covers are HOT!:D
I´m going to Blekinge today I think.Spending time with my family!
I was in the city Lund yesterday with my friend Matilda.:)And we took pictures!
Me in Lund:
onsdag 11 september 2013
I`m so curious about the book Tattered love by Lola Stark!:)I loove heroes with tattoos!*g*
And the cover is great!:))
This Friday me and mom are going to watch Pride and Prejudice I hope!:))And I will probably bake cupcakes!
And the cover is great!:))
This Friday me and mom are going to watch Pride and Prejudice I hope!:))And I will probably bake cupcakes!
måndag 9 september 2013
Protecting his Witness by Katie Reus is out!
Yes,Vincent´s story is finally here!:))I´m looking forward reading it!You can buy it on Amazon,Kobo etc.:D
It is Autumn/Fall in Sweden now.
It really feels like Autumn/Fall in Southern Sweden now.The leaves are changing colors.It is beautiful but I miss the Summer!:(
Some photos from this Summer:
Some photos from this Summer:
fredag 6 september 2013
My review of Bound by Night by Larissa Ione.
Wow!Where do I start?What a ride this was!I have been a fan of Larissa ione since 2010 and when I heard that she was going to write a new series I just knew I so wanted to read it!:)I was of course very happy when Pocket Books let me review an arc!And thrilled!
Riker...He is one of the sexiest vampires out there in my opinion.:)And of my new book boyfriends.;)He is lethal but also tender and caring.I melted!
I also like Nicole alot.She is so sweet but also brave!I know some thinks she is stupid but I don´t feel that way.
I could not put this book down!It is a pageturner and I think Larissa has the talent to make you interested in her characters and the plots.So this book get 5 stars from me and I recommend this to you if you are a Larissa Ione fan or a vampire fan!
Now I´m looking forward Hunter´s book!Keep them coming,Larissa!:)
The cover is awesome!I can see the cover model as Riker:
Riker...He is one of the sexiest vampires out there in my opinion.:)And of my new book boyfriends.;)He is lethal but also tender and caring.I melted!
I also like Nicole alot.She is so sweet but also brave!I know some thinks she is stupid but I don´t feel that way.
I could not put this book down!It is a pageturner and I think Larissa has the talent to make you interested in her characters and the plots.So this book get 5 stars from me and I recommend this to you if you are a Larissa Ione fan or a vampire fan!
Now I´m looking forward Hunter´s book!Keep them coming,Larissa!:)
The cover is awesome!I can see the cover model as Riker:
tisdag 27 augusti 2013
I just watched Swedish Hollywood Wives.
I just watched Swedish Hollywood Wives.Crazy ladies!
They have very strange lives I think.
I´m reading In Flight and I enjoy it.
I know many think of Fifty Shades of Gray when they read In Flight.
Sure,both James and Christian are billionaires and kinky Doms.
But I don´t mind at all.:)I don´t know why but I like Fifty Shades of Gray.
But not all of it.And I think In Flight is better.I also like the Crossfire series more.
In real life I would not want a man like Christian..But I see him only as a fantasy figure.
I have read the two first books in the FSG series.I borrowed the 3rd from the Library but did not finished it.I want to of course.I need to know how it will end for Christian and Ana.
My top six authors:
Laura Wright
Katie Reus
Larissa Ione
Nalini Singh
Kristen Ashley
Madeline Sheehan
I have many more authors I love of course!:)
Old and New Photos of me/family/friends:
They have very strange lives I think.
I´m reading In Flight and I enjoy it.
I know many think of Fifty Shades of Gray when they read In Flight.
Sure,both James and Christian are billionaires and kinky Doms.
But I don´t mind at all.:)I don´t know why but I like Fifty Shades of Gray.
But not all of it.And I think In Flight is better.I also like the Crossfire series more.
In real life I would not want a man like Christian..But I see him only as a fantasy figure.
I have read the two first books in the FSG series.I borrowed the 3rd from the Library but did not finished it.I want to of course.I need to know how it will end for Christian and Ana.
My top six authors:
Laura Wright
Katie Reus
Larissa Ione
Nalini Singh
Kristen Ashley
Madeline Sheehan
I have many more authors I love of course!:)
Old and New Photos of me/family/friends:
Ibland får man inspiration.
Början på en erotisk novell:
”Kate är väl inte ens din typ?”
frågade hon med rynkade ögonbryn.
”Babe, har hon fina tuttar och en
tajt, blöt fitta är hon exakt i min smak.” Hans leende var som en olydig
pojkes. Lara bara skakade på huvudet och muttrade något ohörbart men Vincent
anade att det kunde innehålla orden svin eller omogen idiot. Hon var
överbeskyddande mot Kate eftersom de hade varit nära vänner sedan lågstadiet
och det var egentligen inte fel men nu när Vincent ville uppvakta henne var det
bara irriterande, som en störig fluga som inte vill lämna ens ansikte. ”Kate
klarar sig utan bad boys som röker marijuana och tatuerar folk som yrke.”
Hennes isblå ögon spände blicken i hans men det fick inte Vincent att känna sig
mindre värd. ”Jag röker bara ibland när det är fest och om det nu har undgått
dig så kan jag berätta att mina tatueringar har prytt omslagen på flera stora
tidningar. Det är inte ett hemskt yrke, gullet. Tatueringar är inte längre
förknippade med brottslingar och sjömän.”
När hon öppnade munnen för att säga emot stoppade han henne genom att
hålla upp en tatueringsprydd hand. Med en isande kall röst konstaterade han:
”Jag är ingen brottsling!” Röksuget fick fingrarna att klia och med en elegant
rörelse fiskade han upp ciggpaketet ur läderjackan. Med en silvertändare fick
han liv i giftpinnen och drog ett djupt bloss och ignorerade den ogillande
fnysningen. Långsamt och njutningsfullt blåste han ut vit rök som slingrade sig
upp i den månbelysta kvällen. torsdag 22 augusti 2013
I read Wicked Firsts.
I read Wicked Firsts and I enjoy it very much!:)*Sigh*I read Katie´s novella in this anthologies right now and Hayden is yummy!:)I only have Joan Swan´s novella left after that.I feel a little sad about that!The covers are yummy too by the way!*g*
I have preordered a signed copy of Bound by Night by Larissa Ione and Targeted by Katie Reus.:))
It will be my first signed book by Larissa and my second by Katie Reus.
I have two signed books by Laura Wright and in November I will get my 3th.Yay!Syn´s story.
I´m listening to Loreena Mckennitt.That woman has an amazing voice!Love her music!<3
Old and new pictures of me,friends and family:
I have preordered a signed copy of Bound by Night by Larissa Ione and Targeted by Katie Reus.:))
It will be my first signed book by Larissa and my second by Katie Reus.
I have two signed books by Laura Wright and in November I will get my 3th.Yay!Syn´s story.
I´m listening to Loreena Mckennitt.That woman has an amazing voice!Love her music!<3
Old and new pictures of me,friends and family:
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