måndag 16 oktober 2023

My review of Dangerous Past by Laura Hunsaker.


Lark has a dangerous past. Her father was a serial killer. She feels she needs to get away. On her way to Oregon she stops at a cute little town in California. Her two dogs are keeping her company and they are adorable. 🐕❤️💜On a walk one of her dogs has hurt her leg. Lark ask for help and one of the men are Jay. We met him in Dark Past. He is grumpy. Lol. 

One of my favorite quotes in the book:

"Everyone’s been hurt; it’s part of life, Jay. No one can avoid being hurt.” She shut the door after one last pat to Daisy.
He nodded. “True. It’s how we handle those hurts that makes us who we are.”
“And I choose to put more good out into the world than there was before.”
“You’re a good person, Lark; you radiate it like sunshine.”"

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Cool sky!