måndag 31 december 2018

New Year's Eve!

I can't believe it's New Year's Eve again! I celebrate at my parents' house.:) I hope 2019 will be great! 

tisdag 25 december 2018

Outlander skirt.

My brother and his girlfriend gave me an Outlander skirt as Christmas gift. :) <3 I love it! Now I can pretend I'm in Scotland with Jamie Fraser..<3

måndag 24 december 2018

Merry Christmas!

It's Christmas Eve! :) In Sweden we open our gifts on Christmas Eve..Because Swedes are weird. ;) I hope everyone will have a merry and peaceful Christmas!

One of my favorite books! Sentinel of Darkness by Katie Reus! :)

lördag 22 december 2018

December is soon over.

This year has been both good and bad.My grandmother passed away December 13.My grandfather has lung cancer and will probably pass away soon.:(That sucks!

I'm thankful for all the signed books I got this year!And the Christmas ornaments my American friend,Anne,sent to me.She made Jack Skellington and Stitch by cross stitches.I love them!

måndag 12 november 2018

14 signed books by Katie Reus!

I can't believe I have 14 signed books by Katie Reus! They are my precious! <3

lördag 3 november 2018

fredag 26 oktober 2018

New book by Michelle Willingham.

It is the Swedish edition of Forbidden night with a Highlander!The cover is gorgeous! I also have the English original as Kindle edition!

I think my signed copy of A Covert affair by Katie Reus and the wolf bookmark will arrive next week. So thrilled about that. :)

tisdag 9 oktober 2018

Nightmare before Christmas.

I got a Nightmare before Christmas diary today!

I love Jack Skellington! <3 I have a Jack Skellington dress too. :) 

I got a Harry Potter bookmark today.

My brother and his girlfriend bought a Harry Potter bookmark to me last week. Mom and dad visited them in Gothenburg and took the bookmark with them. :) I got it today and it's beautiful. :) My parents bought a book to me in Gothenburg but I won't get it until Saturday. I'm curious what book it is. I hope it is a book by Sarah J. Maas. ;)

I must pay VAT before the package from Katie Reus will arrive to me. New rules in Sweden. But it is ok because it's not much I have to pay. :) Katie sent a signed book and a wolf bookmark to me. <3 I am looking forward getting it. :)

tisdag 2 oktober 2018


I can't believe October is already here!I'm looking forward Halloween! <3 I think I will have a steampunk costume this year!

I'm looking forward the wolf bookmark and the signed book Katie Reus will send to me!<3
So excided about this!

Some old pictures because I'm feeling nostalgic:

lördag 15 september 2018

I'm so excited!

I think my signed copy of Soulless by T.m. Frazier will arrive next week. I think the wolf bookmark from Katie Reus will arrive next week too. I'm so excited! It is so sweet of Katie to save one bookmark for me.

tisdag 11 september 2018

I will soon get a signed copy of Soulless by T.m Frazier.

I'm so excited! 😍💜❤️
This is the first book T.M. has signed to me. I think it will arrive to Sweden this Week. 🇸🇪

lördag 1 september 2018

King by T.m. Frazier.

Holy moly you guys. King was a ride for sure. When I started to read I could not stop until I reached the last page. King does end with a cliffhanger! T.m. Frazier writes the best anti-heroes.I'm so happy I found this author! ❤️❤️

fredag 24 augusti 2018

A signed copy of Soulless by T.M. Frazier.

I will soon get a signed copy of Soulless.I'm so excited becuase it will be the first time T.M. Frazier will sign a book for me. <3

The cover is hot!I can totally see the man on the cover as Bear. ;)Yummy! :)T.M. writes great alpha anti-heroes.I love her dark romances!

tisdag 14 augusti 2018

Interview with Laura Hunsaker.

I have the wonderful author,Laura Hunsaker,on my blog today. :)

Hi Marie, thanks for asking me! I love chatting about Highlanders :)


*Why do you think Highlanders and Scotland are so popular,both on TV and in books?

I think it's because everyone loves an underdog. The Highlanders were the epitome of the underdog. They had the odds stacked against them, but still fought to preserve their way of life and their people. The idea of a strong, handsome, warrior is something you'll find in any genre (SEAL romance, Viking romance, Paranormal Romance), but the Scottish Highlander is unique in the sense that they were in a fight to survive. Their plaids were outlawed for a time, they were driven out of their homes, they truly were the underdog of the story, and yet they persevered and their customs are still around to this day. We even have Highland Games in my city, which is not known for it's Scottish population. So when you find a hero where everything is against him, and still he overcomes those obstacles, wouldn't you want him to be your hero? 

*Who is your favorite author who write Scottish books?

My favorite Scottish Romance author is Monica McCarty. She writes some of the best out there. Margaret Mallory is a close second. 

*Any plans on visiting Scotland yourself?

I hope to go next year, but it depends on the kids' schedules. 

*When will we get Liam's book?I'm so looking forward reading his story! 

I hope to finish this book this year. But finding time to write is not easy with three children and a job. I mainly write late at night when my husband isn't home, so unfortunately I don't get to spend all day in the world of Highlanders and magic.

Many thanks to Laura for the answers!:)

About Laura:

Laura Hunsaker is an award-winning writer who writes romance set in the Scottish Highlands, but with a twist. Somewhere in between Historical and Paranormal, she writes Scottish Time Travel Romance and Paranormal Romance. She's hard at work right now, writing about protective men paired with strong women who knock them off their feet.

She is a hybrid author being both traditionally published and self-published, as well as a member of Romance Writers of America® Cactus Rose Chapter and the Celtic Hearts Romance Writers.

After earning degrees in English and German, with a specialty in British Literature, she taught for a few years. As of now, Laura has a full-time job as mom of three which leaves nights for traveling through the mists of Scotland.

söndag 29 juli 2018

I have the best friends!

One of the best gifts this year! :) One of my American friends,Laura Hunsaker,sent a book,bookmarks and postcards to me last Month. :) So cool!

tisdag 10 juli 2018

Torsjö Live June 30.

My friend Matilda and I visited the festival Torsjö Live June 30.It was a lot of fun!:)Good music!

We stayed until 1 am..I got home 3 am and was tired of course.LOL!

fredag 29 juni 2018

I got two packages yesterday.

One of the packages was from Laura Hunsaker and the other from A.L. Jackson.
Laura sent postcards,bookmarks and a book by Sarah Maclean. :) 9 rules to break when romancing a rake. <3

A.L. Jackson sent a signed book! <3 Lead me home!This really made my day!

My Ireland Box March St Patrick's Day box!

  My Ireland Box arrived March 3rd. The theme is St Patrick's Day! 🇮🇪💚🤍🧡🥰😍 I love all the things I got!