fredag 25 oktober 2013

I´m reading!

I´m reading Worth the Fight by Vi Keeland.:)The cover is yummy!I love tattooed bad boys!*Big grin*I also reading Before now by Cheryl Mcintyre.That cover is also very yummy!And yes...I read  Immortal,insatiable,indomitable by Olivia Gates.I find it very interesting that Olivia is using Norse Mythology because I´m from Sweden.:)And in Olivia´s story Loki is not the bad guy.And the cover...*My eyes just fainted!*Hihi!

The cover of Worth the Fight, Before now and Immortal,insatiable,indomitable:

tisdag 22 oktober 2013

five finger death punch.

This band is very good!:)I´m listening to them right now on Spotify.:)I´m at my parents´house.It´s afternoon here in Sweden.I´m tired but I feel happy!:D It´s Swedish Hollywood wives 09.00 pm.I think I´m going to see it.Crazy freakshow!*Grin*I miss my friend Matilda.I have not seen her since September this year.It´s my birthday soon!Crazy!28 year.o_O Really?I thought I was 18.:P Nah...But you can wish,right?;P

måndag 21 oktober 2013

Look at this video!!!

I´m so looking forward Laura Kaye´s new book series!Tattooed bad-ass men...Yes please!

Raining in Southern Sweden.

It´s raining and it´s cosy.I remembered my umbrella when I walked to my parents.:)Yaay!
I´m a bit tired and hungry.*Hm*What can I eat?I think mom is coming home soon from her work.It´s Afternoon here in Sweden.The dog is keeping me company.*Sweetie!*I feel sad and happy at the same time.Strange...It´s Monday and tv:3 is showing "Mistresses" tonight at 10.00 pm.I don´t know if I´m going to watch it.Maybe.:)It´s okay.

Colorful hair:

torsdag 17 oktober 2013

My review of Shattered Ink by Laura Wright.

I got a copy from the author for an honest review.

Wow...I already miss Rush,Addison,Lisa and Vincent.They feel like real persons of flesh and blood and I wish I could hang out with them.:)They all have great Chemistry!Laura Wright has a great talent and I really don't know how to express my feelings about this story.I already looking forward Rebel Ink,Vincent and Lisa's story.:)I'm sure the sparks will fly!;)I have a soft spot for the good girl who falls for the tattooed bad boy!I recommend you read First Ink before you start this one.Laura Wright really kick ass writing New Adult.I hope she will write many more books in this awesome series!Five stars from me without any doubt!

The Awesome Cover:

måndag 14 oktober 2013

I´m so looking forward Shattered Ink!

Laura Wright will be sending the Shattered Ink ARC:s on Tuesday evening I hope!I so need more Rush!!!That guy...*Sigh!*Drool-worthy!*Grin!*Tattooed bad boys..yes please!

I can totally see him as Rush:

söndag 13 oktober 2013

Sunday again.

Sunday again.I had so much fun yesterday!:)*g*I´m at my parents´home today.The dog is keeping me company.Sweetheart!:)She will be 12 years old next year.

I hope Laura Wright sends out the Shattered Ink ARC:s this Tuesday.:))I´m so looking forward this story!:)

fredag 4 oktober 2013

I´m at my parents´ house.

I´m at my parents´house.I´m listening to music.:)A while ago I was watching TV and eating chips.Nom nom!I´m a bit tired so I´m going to bed soon.

Laura Wright and Alexandra Ivy will be writing a FREE novella in the Bayou Heat series!It will be out this Winter.:)Happy about that!I really enjoy that series but I wish the stories were longer.:)*grin*

Old photos: