onsdag 29 mars 2023

I still have a gothic style.


I became a goth back in 2003. I can't believe that is 20 years ago! 💖💝😍I don't care what people think about me and how I look. 

onsdag 8 mars 2023

mÄndag 6 mars 2023

White Mist.

 I'm reading White Mist by Jaclyn Reding. The cover is very beautiful (castle and scottish thistles). 

The hero is from Scotland. 💗😍

onsdag 1 mars 2023

I'm rereading The Viper.



I'm rereading The Viper again. I love this story so much! <3 Bella is a very brave woman. She loves her daughter and will do anything to keep her safe. Is she perfect? No, she has flaws like real human beings. I believe that is why it is so easy to feel something for Monica's characters! It is amazing that Bella is based on the real woman that crowned Bruce. She was indeed put in a cage and stayed there for two years. Edward I was a very cruel man it seems. No wonder he was called the Hammer of Scots.