lördag 28 november 2020

Lace skirt.


It is so pretty... And soon mine. ;) I have tops that will fit this skirt. 

torsdag 19 november 2020

onsdag 18 november 2020

The Ranger and The Viper bookmarks.

My friend,Laura Hunsaker, sent The Ranger and The Viper bookmarks to me back in 2018. :) I also got a tradingcard with The Ranger on. Awesome! I wish I could get a signed book by Monica McCarty too!:)

söndag 15 november 2020

Autism diagnosis.

 I got my autism diagnosis November 13. It is a bit funny that it also was on my birthday. It was like "Happy birthday! You get a diagnosis as birthday gift." It feels strange but also good. I know I'm not alone in this. 

onsdag 11 november 2020

söndag 1 november 2020


 November is here! It is my birthday in 12 days! :) I will be 35 years old.