fredag 22 mars 2019

I have 15 signed books by Katie Reus now!

I was very happy when Primal Possession arrived. :) <3 I now have 15 signed books by Katie.

tisdag 19 mars 2019

A signed copy of Primal Possession by Katie Reus.

The first package Katie Reus sent did not arrive so she was kind and sent a new one. It arrived today! :) It really made my day!

onsdag 6 mars 2019

I read past my bedtime.

I love my tote bag! It's so kind that Laura Hunsaker sent one to me. :) I think I'm the only one in Sweden having a tote bag from the Henderson libraries in Nevada, USA...

fredag 1 mars 2019

A totebag from USA.

My friend, Laura, sent a totebag and it arrived today! :) It's from a library in Henderson,Nevada,USA. I think I'm the only one in Sweden having one!:) This made my day! <3