måndag 31 december 2018

New Year's Eve!

I can't believe it's New Year's Eve again! I celebrate at my parents' house.:) I hope 2019 will be great! 

tisdag 25 december 2018

Outlander skirt.

My brother and his girlfriend gave me an Outlander skirt as Christmas gift. :) <3 I love it! Now I can pretend I'm in Scotland with Jamie Fraser..<3

måndag 24 december 2018

Merry Christmas!

It's Christmas Eve! :) In Sweden we open our gifts on Christmas Eve..Because Swedes are weird. ;) I hope everyone will have a merry and peaceful Christmas!

One of my favorite books! Sentinel of Darkness by Katie Reus! :)

lördag 22 december 2018

December is soon over.

This year has been both good and bad.My grandmother passed away December 13.My grandfather has lung cancer and will probably pass away soon.:(That sucks!

I'm thankful for all the signed books I got this year!And the Christmas ornaments my American friend,Anne,sent to me.She made Jack Skellington and Stitch by cross stitches.I love them!