torsdag 1 maj 2014

Bayou Heat Lian/Roch,May 1th and Hump day.;)

I´m reading this awesome book right now!:)Alexandra Ivy and Laura Wright are very good authors!I think the next book comes out May 14th.That´s not too far away.:)I´m curious how many books there will be in this series.I will write a review as soon as I´m finished with Lian/Roch!:)And I still drool over the cover!

Happy May 1th by the way!:)Here in Southern Sweden it already feels like Summer!The sun is shining and the sky is blue.Lovely!

And yes...I need a Hump day today!;)I love men with tattoos and piercings.

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I can see more of the unicorn now!